Yoga Teacher
As long as I can remember myself, I have always been an adventurer; a curious and active girl. My quest for new discoveries led me away from my birthplace Greece to California, where I was offered a full scholarship as a college basketball player. Following college and after going through several injuries, I started looking for a new passion to replace basketball, help me recover and discover life without it.
My first yoga class ever was love at first sight! I immediately became an enthusiastic student, going to class after class and gaining new experiences day by day. I invested my heart and soul into multiple teacher trainings, workshops, retreats and still do to this day. Annie Carpenter’s clear, approachable and vibrant teaching style inspired me to become a yoga teacher myself. I was thrilled to share my understanding and experiences with students across the world.
After a full circle, life has brought me back to Greece, close to my beloved family, old and new friends. Today, I have the joy and opportunity to teach a diverse group of students: from babies to seniors, from professional athletes to business executives, from absolutely beginners to advanced. I enjoy offering yoga retreats encouraging students to break free from their routine and connect with themselves and the incredible Greek nature. Moreover, as a Senior yoga teacher trainer, I lead teacher trainings in Greece, Cyprus and worldwide as well as online for YogaWorks.
Since moving to Greece I have also had the delight to introduce yoga classes into the fitness community through the Grafts Fitness School; a long lasting relationship that I highly treasure. I am also a yoga consultant and teacher for corporate wellness programs developed for Holmes Place to assist professionals to cope with daily stress and add mindfulness to their life.
I am grateful and honored by this beautiful journey, and truly excited for what is yet to unfold.